2013年1月、外務省より「第5回アフリカ開発会議(TICAD V)」の名誉大使に任命されたMISIA。そのMISIAがセネガルで制作した「MAWARE MAWARE(feat. Doudou N'Diaye Rose)」は、TICAD Vのテーマソングにもなっている。
この楽曲はセネガルの人間国宝でもあるDoudou N'Diaye Rose(ドゥードゥー・ンジャイ・ローズ)氏とMISIAが夢のコラボレーション。ドゥードゥー氏は、半世紀にわたって活躍するアフリカを代表するミュージシャンで、ローリング・ストーンズやマイルス・デービスなどとも共演し、またロック好きな若者に人気の高いナイン・インチ・ネイルズが、ドゥードゥー氏のリズムをサンプリングするなど、独特で複雑なそのリズムは多くのミュージシャンたちに影響を与えてきた。
この楽曲は、2010年の南アフリカ・サッカーW杯の公式アルバムにアジアからの唯一の楽曲として収録された「MAWARE MAWARE」を再アレンジしたもの。
apanese female singer MISIA, the Honorary Ambassador for the “5th Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD V),” one of the largest international conferences on aid to Africa, has composed “MAWARE MAWARE (feat. Doudou N’Diaye Rose)” to support it. The piece has become the theme song of the conference.
The composition is a result of a dreamy collaboration between Mr. Doudou N’Diaye Rose, the father of African rhythms and the living national treasure of the Republic of Senegal, and MISIA. The work will be released on May 29, 2013. Mr. Doudou N’Diaye Rose has been an influential musician in the African music scene since the 20th century. He has played with the Rolling Stones and Miles Davis; Nine Inch Nails, an American industrial rock project popular among the youth who like rock music, has been sampling his rhythm. His unique and complex rhythms have been influencing word-famous musicians.
MISIA, a leading super-vocalist in Japan, contacted Mr. Doudou N’Diaye Rose when she visited Senegal in January 2013, and the two musicians recorded the piece.
“MAWARE MAWARE (feat. Doudou N’Diaye Rose)” is a rearranged version of “MAWARE MAWARE,” the only piece from Asia included in the official album for 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa. The lyric and melody were revised reflecting MISIA’s feelings and thoughts she have had during her stay in Senegal.
Doudou N'Diaye Rose(ドゥードゥー・ンジャイ・ローズ)プロフィール
Profile: Doudou N’Diaye Rose
Doudou N’Diaye Rose was born in Senegal, a country in West Africa. He is the father of African rhythms and the most renowned musician in the African music of the 20th and 21st centuries. He has started his music career in the 1930’s and has collaborated with world-renowned musicians including Miles Davis, the Rolling Stones, Peter Gabriel and Josephine Baker. Doudou N’Diaye Rose is purported to have developed more than 500 new rhythm patterns. His unique and complex rhythms have had influence on the club music in Europe and the United States. Nine Inch Nails, an American industrial rock project, has used a sampling of his rhythm in “The Warning.” His work has been inscribed as UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2006. Despite of his age , he has been touring the world with extraordinarily energetic performances.

右:Doudou N'Diaye Rose
- <第5回アフリカ開発会議(TICAD V)について>
- アフリカ開発をテーマとする日本主導の政策フォーラム(国連、世界銀行、国連開発計画(UNDP)、アフリカ連合(AU)委員会が共催)で、1993年の第1回会議以降、5年に一度の首脳級会議を日本で開催。第1回から第3回までは東京、第4回アフリカ開発会議(TICAD Ⅳ)は、2008年5月に横浜にて開催。第5回アフリカ開発会議(TICAD Ⅴ)は本年6月1日~3日に横浜で開催される。http://www.ticad.net/ja/index.html

『Music is language』。
「MAWARE MAWARE」は、地球がまわる、子ども達が手を取り合い
“Music is language.”
Mr. N’Diaye Rose, a Senegalese musician, taught me so.
The sound and rhythm played with his drums were so deep;
they made me feel the wind, the land, the sea and the tragic history of Senegal.
“MAWARE MAWARE” is a song about the Earth revolving and children dancing while holding their hands; it also conveys my wish for the happiness to go around the world.
I hope that more people become interested in Africa and TICAD through music.
And I wish that even more happiness goes around the world.

七つの海と大地 そこで暮らす僕らが
子どもたちが集い歌い合う 美しい世界
涙 悲しみ 争いなど もう いらない
* 世界中で ハロー コンニチハ ジャンボ MAWARE MAWARE
世界中が オラ ボンジュール サボウナ My Brothers and Sisters
丸い世界だもの 全てが繋がっている
頬に受ける風と太陽 雨・月・星明かり
誰かが誰かを想うことで 繋がる幸せ
君を想う 幸せ願う 太陽が輝く世界で 共に生きる
* 世界中で ハロー コンニチハ ジャンボ MAWARE MAWARE
世界中が オラ ボンジュール サボウナ My Brothers and Sisters
* 繰り返し